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公司介绍 |
Dear friends,
We have our own handbag products factory which can manufacture various women’s handbags.we can offer many kinds of high quality replica hand bags at competitive price , available in different colors and sizes, customized designs are welcom, the price depend on the quantity and material. With full years experience for performing the bag (handbag), we have built a stable line of factories who clearly know the importance of quality. We believe we can serve you well.
Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information. For bags, we perform such as handbag, fashion lady bag (handbag), PU/PVC bag (handbag), canvas bag (handbag), beads bag (handbag), travel bag (handbag), school bag (handbag) and all kinds of fashion bags (handbag). With full years experience for performing the bag (handbag), we have built a stable line of factories who clearly know the importance of quality. We believe we can serve you well.
If you need any further information of bag (handbag), please contact us, we can send you more pictures of our bag with good price.
相关产品 |
hangbag, fashion lady\'s bag , U/PVC bag , canvas bag , travel bag |
公司基本资料 |
公司名称: |
Guangzhou Guider Leatherware Manufactory |
连络: |
网址: |
电话: |
86-020-86354008 |
传真: |
国家: |
圣诞岛屿 |
住址: |
NO.4168 4 Floor Senjia Leather Building |
产品橱窗 |